Thursday, March 25, 2010

We need real political discourse, not partisan BS

As far as spending is concerned, what is your opinion on the fact that the Iraq War and Afghan War have cost America 1.05 trillion dollars ( We have definitely spent ourselves into debt on that one, and a great deal of that money has been allocated for nation building (spending money on other countries to help them build). A great quote "If we don't stop extending our troops all around the world in nation-building missions, then we're going to have a serious problem." — George W. Bush, Jan. 2001. Instead of spending all of this money abroad, wouldn’t it be nice to at least see some of your tax money in action. Now speaking of not supporting dead beats with our tax money, “The US budget for Iraq in FY 2007 came to $4,988/Iraqi. This is triple Iraq's per-person GDP. It's like spending $121,000 per person ($484,000 per family of 4) in the US ( Instead we’re supporting Iraqi’s and Afghani’s. I’d rather support my fellow Americans, myself, father, friends or relatives, as long as they deserve it, with my tax money.

Also, as far as spending is concerned, what are your thoughts on Bush’s $700 billion bailout of the financial industry? If you’re upset about our tax money being spent on us and fellow Americans, you must be upset about the financial bailout. I do not claim any party, nor do I vote for a party, so my opinions come objectively. Most right wingers don’t talk about Bush’s bailout, only about the amount of money Obama is spending. Well, I’ll say, at least he’s spending it on us, and not Iraqi’s, Afghani’s, and the financial sector that got us into this mess in the first place on Bush’s watch. He did bailout the auto industry however, which I disagree with, but it was a fraction of the financial bailout amounting to $100 billion. Also, the stimulus bill was $787 billion, which I would assume was necessary to keep the American boat affloat for now. Of course, none of these would have been necessary if the Bush administration had effectively regulated the economy and not preach so much about the free market. Look at what the free market did for the US in the 1920’s, it killed us. Also, for those who preach about free markets and a hands off approach to our economy with little to no regulation or oversight, must be very upset about the $700 billion dollar bailout of the financial industry, and the meddling of the government in our affairs. However, we don’t hear the right complaining so much about that as we do about Obama’s spending. It’s very hypocritical. The left proposes ideas on how to fix things, and the right complains, without offering up their own solutions. It’s easier to pick apart someone elses plan, as opposed to devising your own. The right is just playing politics, worrying about how to get re-elected, instead of coming up with solutions.

You should really read this article to get and understand of just how much the Bush years have cost us :
I’m not partisan, it’s just that the hypocracy knows no bounds. Don’t bitch about Bush’s record spending, inability to finish a war, torture, making us look horrible to the world, botching Hurricane Katrina, not forseeing the WTC attacks, lying to get us into two quagmires of a war, the financial collapse, record unemployment, domestic spying, ousting CIA operatives, and firing of US attorneys for politcal advantage, just to name some of his fuck-ups. But instead, lets complain that Obama is trying to help our economy with stimulus, and give us health care. Such is the right wing rap. Being non-partisan, all I would like to see is a little equality in the bitching, not just bitching because a Democrat is in office. Once again, it’s hypocritical. If I seem slanted, it’s just because people amaze me with their ability to see one thing and not the other, through selective observation, and because they are partisan. Americans choose sides and don’t really know the difference or why. When Obama fucks up, trust me, I’ll be the first one to bitch because I voted for his ass. If we haven’t begun major withdrawal on both fronts prior to 2012, I will not vote for him in the next election.

As for the altenative, McCain/ Palin. I mean, seriously, a VP running mate who can’t finish her first term as Gov of Alaska, is a Fox News pundit, and is looking to start her own reality show? I’m very glad that didn’t happen, because if McCain croaked in office, that would be our Commander in Chief. Extremely laughable, and frightening at the same time. The right wing must really think Americans are idiots.

Now, I listen to mainly right wing radio, mainly because it’s more entertaining. So I am extremely familiar with the right wing propaganda that is drummed up every day, but I take it with a grain of salt. If all you ever hear is one side of the story, then you will eventually end up believing it. It’s the poor saps who do end up believing it that become one sided, losing their ability to develop solutions, and turn into people who just know how to parrot Beck and Limbaugh. People need to get their news from more than one, or even two sources.